Monday, January 6, 2014

Hectic Holidays!

Another Holiday season is gone and past! Whew!...We made it!

Though I graduated college, I am lucky enough to still have a job that follows the university's schedule, more or less. What does this mean means CHRISTMAS BREAK. Oh yeah!

Of course, since I work two jobs, its not exactly a free for all, but still better than nothing.

Unfortunately, I could not get enough time guaranteed off at my movie theatre job for me to visit my family in Singapore. Boooo to all you Christmas-time movie-goers out there! Fear not, however, I was not alone... instead, I spent Christmas with Thomas' family! We even went ice skating! Fun Stuff!

For New Years, Thomas and I joined some friends at Hamburger Mary's, a burger place in downtown Orlando known for their Drag Shows... it was tons of fun!!!

Unfortunately, now that the holidays are past, its back to the daily grind. Oh well. Hope you had a wonderful holiday season!!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Don't Forget Me!

Why hello there!
I see I still have a few followers left! Oh good! Well, while I still continue to maintain this page (I promise I'll try to be better!!), I DO have a presence on a new blog!

It is called: The Adventures of a Neek.
Who is the Neek? That would be my boyfriend, Thomas.
What Adventures? That would be how he and I came to be in a relationship! I personally find the posts quite entertaining, so I invite you all to check it out!

Go to to read along with our story in order!

While you are there, you might want to check out our "Critic Corner" posts, or Thomas' "Techie Talk" section! This is still a baby blog, so we are working on getting more content, but follow us there to receive updates!!

An update on my life, personally:

1. Graduated from UCF!!! Yay!
2. Job? Well.... still working at the movie theatre, and I also am working part-time as a contractor for a marketing company!
3. Thomas? Oh you noticed I said boyfriend, now did you? Yes, Thomas and I have been dating for almost 3 months... but again, for a more detailed storyline, visit The Adventures of a Neek.
4. Plans for the blog? Well, to be honest...uncertain. For now, I wanted to issue this update and change around my profile information some! I now have a wordpress account as well, but blogging with Thomas there has not been quite as enjoyable as on Blogger. I find I have more options and freedoms here, so I'm thinking I'll stay!

Anyhow, I think this is goodbye for today, but I'll be back soon!... Believe me! I have a few things to say about Christmas time!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

An Overdue Update

Hey, I'm still here... I know you were worried :)

An update? Back in Orlando!! The Australia thing didn't work out due to a confusion with the classes. So far I'm on track to graduate THIS SPRING!!! Yay! I'm taking 17 credit hours this semester and they are whooping my butt!  More on those in other posts...

What have I missed... Halloween! Very fun!
I was a zombie/attack victim one night, The Princess and the Frog the next day, and a movie theater employee the next. Sorry, don't have any pics right now.

Anything important going on? Well...
Wreck it Ralph came out... so funny!!! (Yes, still working at the theater)
Also, Hotel Transylvania and Argo were very good. Not interested in movie reviews? How about something different...


NO, I'm not going to give you my 2 cents on who you should vote for, and I'm not one to share my political views, but boy am I glad election day is finally here! I cannot stand all the political campaigns and the bashing on facebook! Speaking of facebook... one of my friends, Kristin K posted this as her status this morning and I feel that it sums up many of my feelings about facebook and politics. I will just post it as my closing statement. Over and out :)


"I know people are proud of whichever candidate they voted for, 
but I'm so sick of seeing that stuff on my feed. 
 Please, go vote and choose whomever you'd like, 
but don't brag about it like you've accomplished something mindblowing.
 Congratulations, you and millions of other people have 
gotten out of bed and waded through the lines to bubble in a name.
 Earthshattering. It's just as annoying as the
people who think they're being edgy by loudly 
proclaiming they won't vote because politics sucks blah blah blah.
 We all know. You are not being unique or articulating a new viewpoint.
 Vote or don't vote. I promise you the only people who care are too
 busy circle jerking to ever see your status. Yes, it's important to vote,
 and wonderful that we have that freedom, but please spare us all
 from your tittering mindlessness while you brag about 
which name you bubbled. If you really want to help a candidate, 
then donate some money or make a Super PAC. 
Your facebook status has never, and will never, convince anyone to vote for a certain person. 
It's a bumpersticker. The people who already agree with 
you will nod appreciatively and flash you a thumbs up,
 and occasionally someone who disagrees will blare their horn and comment. 
But there will be no meaningful dialogue, no essential truths or clarity.
 It's just a bunch of people screaming names at each other. 
The ballot is anonymous for a reason - and this is important now - 
 people do not want to know who you voted for. 
So stop telling us, or I'm gonna call the cops for unwanted solicitation."

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Return to Singapore

School is out, and Singapore is back!... or rather, I'm back in Singapore. This time, however, I have my Grandmother with me. So far we have hit up the Botanic Gardens (pictured below), the Jurong Bird Park, China Town, Orchard Road and some other tourist sights.
I love being back in Singapore, but I will only be here for about a month before I head off to AUSTRALIA!!! That's right, THAT plan is still in full swing! And now I leave you with pictures from some of my most recent adventures for your viewing pleasure:
Hawker Center

Singaporean "Sprinkles"

"Ion" at Orchard Road
Also, Happy 4th of July!! I haven't been in the USA for the 4th since 2009!! We celebrated by doing some Singapore sightseeing, eating hamburgers, going shopping, then eating at Chili's. We also had some cake and played Phase 10!! Happy Birthday, America!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Birthday Fun

Birthday!!!!! yay!!!!
What did I do? Several things:
1. HARRY POTTER WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!   XD
Need I say more?

 For those of you have have read my blog in the past, you know I'm a fan... well I finally made it!!!
I went with my awesome friend Itzel and we explored the magical wonderland!!!! We ate in the 3 Broomsticks and I even got a cauldron cake!!

What else? Well that night I also saw Keyboard Samurai perform Repo! The Genetic Opera... definitely a fun and unique birthday treat :) Plus, I got to see some old friends in the cast!
The next day (Saturday) was my actual birthday and I ... worked. Okay, okay I know its a little lame, but whatever!! On Sunday I went out to Golden Corral (it just opened!) with a few more friends for my official birthday lunch. They have a chocolate fountain AND cotton candy there!!
Yay Birthdays!!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hello Again

Hello again, internet world.

I know I've been gone a while...sorry about that. Recap? I'm back at school in Orlando (and work) which takes up the majority of my time. Sounds fun, right?
Currently: Starting a "boot camp" workout thingy... we'll see how that goes. I did my first one yesturday morning and I am really sore right now.
Hunger Games just came out. I haven't read the books yet, but since I work at a movie theatre, it has still managed to impact my life. I have seen the movie, and I found it enjoyable enough.
Snow White. Has anyone else noticed how popular she has suddenly become? I mean seriously... we have the Once Upon a Time tv show which is generally centered on her story (though perhaps a different version), Mirror Mirror, the comedic version, and The Huntsman, the dark version.
Haha...random things on my mind right now...

Anyway. Exciting news: I might be studying abroad in Austrailia in the fall! Holla!!!! More news to come.... for now, I'm going to bed.

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Adventures!

Hi everyone!

First off, Happy New Year! (And Merry Christmas too, even if a little belated)
I thought I would use my grandmother's computer to sign on and do a little post so you guys wouldn't think I'd forgotten about you all!

So in case you couldn't tell, I made it back the the USA from Singapore just fine. It was a long flight, but not a bad one, so yay for that! I've basically been spending my time traveling back and forth from one small MS town to another visiting with family. Oh, and also.... shopping!!!! Heck yes! My grand total (I think) of weight I lost while in Singapore was 36 pounds! Go me! Needless to say, I pretty much needed an entirely new wardrobe.

Now that Christmas is over and the New Year has begun, I guess its time for some New Years Resolutions. I've never really been big on those or anything, but I guess I might as well lay out a few goals I've been thinking about lately:

1.) Good grades. Not counting this past semester (which was awesome), my GPA has taken some major hits over the last year or so. I really need to get that back up. I'm hoping that a really good semester again, plus a few good credits over next summer, will put me back on track.

2.) Keep the weight off! Now this is really a whole list of things rolled into one, isn't it? Exercise. Eat right. Even though my main goal is just to keep the weight off, I would actually like to loose a few more pounds. My cousin is getting married at the end of April, so I figure that I have the better part of 4 months to loose some more... maybe go down one more dress size? We'll see how that goes.

3.) Stay clean. haha, that sounds like I have a drug problem or something, but I really mean clean as in organized. No perpetually messy room, no confusing bags of school stuff crammed together, no car trunk with unknown items forever lost in its depths. This kind of goes along with the whole "do better in school thing," but it really encompasses so much more.

Bam! My 3 New Year's Resolutions.

I'm still not sure I'm so into the whole "resolution" deal, but I do think it is a good idea to take a step back and really think about what is important for you to accomplish. Even thought I pretty much consider the things listed above as standard or obvious... meaning that I don't need to "declare" them or something, I have found that making an official declaration of your goals and desires helps so much in your achievement of them.

Anyway, I hope everyone else out there had a good holiday... see you (figuratively) again when I'm back in Orlando!