Sorry for the lack of updates, but I'm in Singapore!!! Woohoo!!! I arrived last monday at 3am (Singapore time) and have been here for a few days. My family and I are in our apartment and I'm pretty much adjusted to the time change. Actually, I usually adjust pretty quickly.
So Singapore is a 12 hour time difference ahead of where I'm from (Florida)!!
So here are some answers to some questions you might be asking:
1.) Yes, they speak english. It's their official business language, though not every person is proficient in it.
2.) There are tones of different nationalities here... and I don't just mean Asian ones!
3.) Their money is called Singapore Dollars. We get more Sing Dollars for a US buck which is awesome, because everything is much more expensive here.
4.) They have a hot, humid atmosphere pretty much the entire year. There is a lot of rain in the afternoons, though not always in the same place.
5.) We do not have a car, but they DO drive on the wrong side of the road here!!!...and by that, I mean the left side lol
I'm still getting settled in, but hopefully I will enjoy living here the next six months or so. I will try to post more often and include pictures :)