Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hello Again

Hello again, internet world.

I know I've been gone a while...sorry about that. Recap? I'm back at school in Orlando (and work) which takes up the majority of my time. Sounds fun, right?
Currently: Starting a "boot camp" workout thingy... we'll see how that goes. I did my first one yesturday morning and I am really sore right now.
Hunger Games just came out. I haven't read the books yet, but since I work at a movie theatre, it has still managed to impact my life. I have seen the movie, and I found it enjoyable enough.
Snow White. Has anyone else noticed how popular she has suddenly become? I mean seriously... we have the Once Upon a Time tv show which is generally centered on her story (though perhaps a different version), Mirror Mirror, the comedic version, and The Huntsman, the dark version.
Haha...random things on my mind right now...

Anyway. Exciting news: I might be studying abroad in Austrailia in the fall! Holla!!!! More news to come.... for now, I'm going to bed.