An update? Back in Orlando!! The Australia thing didn't work out due to a confusion with the classes. So far I'm on track to graduate THIS SPRING!!! Yay! I'm taking 17 credit hours this semester and they are whooping my butt! More on those in other posts...
What have I missed... Halloween! Very fun!
I was a zombie/attack victim one night, The Princess and the Frog the next day, and a movie theater employee the next. Sorry, don't have any pics right now.
Anything important going on? Well...
Wreck it Ralph came out... so funny!!! (Yes, still working at the theater)
Also, Hotel Transylvania and Argo were very good. Not interested in movie reviews? How about something different...
NO, I'm not going to give you my 2 cents on who you should vote for, and I'm not one to share my political views, but boy am I glad election day is finally here! I cannot stand all the political campaigns and the bashing on facebook! Speaking of facebook... one of my friends, Kristin K posted this as her status this morning and I feel that it sums up many of my feelings about facebook and politics. I will just post it as my closing statement. Over and out :)
"I know people are proud of whichever candidate
they voted for,
but I'm so sick of seeing that stuff on my feed.
Please, go vote and choose whomever you'd like,
but don't brag about it
like you've accomplished something mindblowing.
Congratulations, you and
millions of other people have
gotten out of bed and waded through the
lines to bubble in a name.
Earthshattering. It's just as annoying as the
people who think they're being edgy by
proclaiming they won't vote because politics sucks blah blah
We all know. You are not being unique or articulating a new
Vote or don't vote. I promise you the only people who care
are too
busy circle jerking to ever see your status. Yes, it's important
to vote,
and wonderful that we have that freedom, but please spare us
from your tittering mindlessness while you brag about
which name you
bubbled. If you really want to help a candidate,
then donate some money
or make a Super PAC.
Your facebook status has never, and will never,
convince anyone to vote for a certain person.
It's a bumpersticker. The
people who already agree with
you will nod appreciatively and flash you a
thumbs up,
and occasionally someone who disagrees will blare their horn
and comment.
But there will be no meaningful dialogue, no essential
truths or clarity.
It's just a bunch of people screaming names at each
The ballot is anonymous for a reason - and this is important now -
people do not want to know who you voted for.
So stop telling us, or
I'm gonna call the cops for unwanted solicitation."