Take a look:
Okay, so a couple things you might want to know about Gibraltar that you didn't know already:
1.) Gibraltar is considered a part of Great Britain. It uses their currency AND even has the red phone booths.
2.) Gibraltar is at the southern tip of Spain. In fact, it borders the Spanish town of La Linea. The picture of Gibraltar from farther away (up above) was actually taken from Spain.
And the picture below is of the Spanish mountains that end where the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean meet.
3.) You are able to see the mountains of Africa from Gibraltar.... weather permitting. It is very misty there but this is one of the clearer pictures I have.
4.) Gibraltar has an ANCIENT history.... some think that references to the Gates of Hades from stories about ancient Greek heroes refers to the caves in the mountain. Plus, that area of Spain is one of the first to be populated, not to mention the influence of the Moors and the British.
5.) The entire mountain in filled with Apes that are completely free to roam around.
This Ape, named Gregory, actually took my friend's backpack off of her back and unzipped it to look for food that he smelled. He ate all of her snacks and she couldn't do anything about it! Apes were all over just wondering around freely.
It was a pretty interesting trip, all in all. The bus ride was about 5 hours each way and cost about 20 euros.... not bad. In Gibraltar, though, they use mainly British Pounds which is more expensive. They would let you use Euros, but the hiked up the exchange rate. Many of the people there spoke both English and Spanish, which was pretty interesting.
We stayed in Gibraltar Saturday, got two hotel rooms and then left on Sunday morning.
There were 5 of us total, three girls, two boys, so the hotel situation was a little iffy. Europe is not big on more people sharing a room than they paid for, and are often not fans of letting guys and girls share rooms together. We ended up finding a place with 3 beds in one room and a room with 2 beds which was perfect. The restrooms where shared at the end of the hallway, though.
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