Monday, November 22, 2010

Harry Potter Review and Thanksgiving Plans

So, I got to see HARRY POTTER! Yay!
After work on Friday, there was a movie that had just started and wasn't sold out, so I got to gooooooooooooo! So, my thoughts: still not on my list of favorite movies. I liked the 4th and 5th ones better, but this movie was waaaaaaaaaaaay better than the 6th, for sure! It stuck a lot closer to the book, which was awesome. Unfortunately, since they didn't follow the books closely enough in the previous movies, a lot of characters that hadn't been introduced before, had to be in this movie because they are vital to the plot. In reality, I wish they had waited till after all the books had come out to make the movies.... or at least waited until the 6th or 7th one, because J K Rowling is really awesome and brings back smaller details in previous books that turn out to be a huge deal later. She also uses a lot of the same side characters in a way that you end up knowing all of them pretty well even though they were hardly in the story.
In conclusion, movie= pretty good. Books still = AMAZING!!!!! If you are reading this, and have never read the books, I can't stress enough how much you are missing!

And now for thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait! I am leaving TOMORROW morning to fly to Mississippi until Sunday! I. LOVE. THANKSGIVING.
Family, turkey, desserts, and NO SCHOOL are just four of the things I like about it!

1 comment:

  1. Update! So I actually saw HP 7 pt 1 again in theatres the other day (this was only the second time I seen it...and it has been several months since it first came out). I LOVE it! The first time I saw it I was soooooo uptight about worrying whether or not it was going to be a good movie, that I was wayyyy over critical and completely missed most of the funny parts! Just thought I should let you guys know..... :D
