Okay, so I'm not sure "freezing" is exactly what it is right now as I sit at home in my room, but I am pretty cold, and I generally just type the first thing that comes to my head when in search of titles. To be fair, since I live in Florida there are many would would say no temperature we ever reach constitutes as "real" cold.... but that is just not true! Every year we get cold enough for snow and stuff, but the other conditions are just never met at the same time! Of course, this only really applies to North Florida (which is where I am now, in Jacksonville). Besides, inside my house, my room is one of the coldest! Burrrrrrr!
Anyway, I am mainly blogging while waiting for my mom to get out of the shower. I am leaving tonight to go back to Orlando because *drum roll* spring semester starts tomorrow! No, I don't really know if that calls for a drum roll, but deal with it! Anyway, I am signed up for 17 credit hours, but I might drop a class depending on the work load. BUT, 4 of them are online, so I really only have actual IN CLASS time on Mondays and Wednesdays! That is pretty awesome, right? I guess..... except the most exciting thing about it is the fact that I can have Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday available for work... which I guess should be exciting because work=money.
I think it is funny the way that people plan their college schedules so differently. I mean, for me I prefer to have to go to campus as few days as possible. Since my high school had the 45 minute classes/5days a week, I feel a lot better going straight through my classes starting at like 10:30 or something and getting down at 6. I know other people, though who intentionally schedule only two classes a day with an hour or two in between so they won't have too much to do in one day. That's cool for them, I guess, but I feel like I'm less motivated to go to class that way. Then there are the people who like early classes, and the other people who prefer night classes... to be honest, I prefer the in-the-middle hours...preferably anything in the 10:30 - 6pm range. Of course, work has a lot to do with people's schedules too. Like for me, I either need to be complete free until 6pm, or completely free after to get a shift during the week. Then you have to calculate in travel between school and work, plus the fact that I didn't feel like giving up 80 bucks for a campus parking pass, before you can really plan a good schedule. Since people don't get scheduled much during school, I prefer to just leave as many days open as possible.
Anyway, I'm going to go grab a sweater and see what my Mom's up to.... till next time!
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