Okay so...
What: Awesome Paramore Concert
When: last Sunday night
Where: Singapore's Indoor Stadium
Why: Okay, this one shoudl be self explanitory...
Who: PARAMORE!!! and The Swellers as openers!
Okay okay... so my dad agreed that my brother and I (or me and my brother, whichever) coudl go the concert as long as we played Squash 3x a week in the two months leading up to it. What could we say?.... nothing but "deal!" of course!
Now to be completely honest, I don't know most of Paramore's songs. I have 2 or 3 in my personal itunes collection and have heard 2 or 3 more via radio, but that is about it.... it was still really good though!
These crazy Singaporians squished together on the floor like sardines packed too tightly into their container. It was a little ridiculous. The people off towards the right would push on those in front of them, and the whole crowd would be pushed over... then the left side would have either no where to go, or retaliate push, so that we would all be swept back the other way. It was like an ocean of people with crashing waves. And then, just when you'd think you couldn't possibly get any closer to the people in front of you.... something exciting would happen on stage, and the whole crowd would surge forward a little but more.
But of course... the main attraction: Paramore! They were really good!
They sang quite a few songs from some different albums... including some acoustic ones from their first album. They "finished" their concert having left out Misery Business, of course, but then returned to sing it with The Swellers and an over-excited audience member.
Like I said, really good concert... enjoyed it! I would definitely see them again. I have not been to many concerts, so this may just be my inexperience showing, but the Tshirts they were selling were outrageously overpriced in my opinion. They were 50 Sing dollars, which is around 41 USD. I mean, I wasn't really planning on buying one anyway... but if they were closer to $25, I might have considered it. They also didn't have anything about the tour on them. That would have been cool too since the tour included several Asian locations, but oh well.
So anyway, that is my two cents :)
...what's that? You want to know if I took any video of the concert? Why as a matter of fact, I did; and since you've asked so nicely, I'll upload one for you :)
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