So I thought I was going to have to miss HHN this year, but Singapore hosted one of their own! So exciting! Theirs lasts only two weekends and is much smaller than Orlando's, of course, but I was still really looking forward to it!
I went with my brother, and since we don't have work or classes during the week, we decided to go on the only Thursday the event was offered, hoping it would also be the least crowded day. Oh sweet success, how we enjoyed your succulent taste! To start with, let me out line how the park is laid out. The entrance brings you into their Hollywood area, though some stands have been creatively reconstructed as Bollywood themed instead. The whole park is one circle, so we'll pretend that we are moving in a counterclockwise direction. Next you come to New York, Sci Fi City then Ancient Egypt. After comes the Lost World, the kingdom of Far Far Away and Madagascar. El Fin. During HHN, only Hollywood, NY, Sci Fi City and Ancient Egypt were open. I was slightly disappointed about that, because I had expected that we would be able to go through pretty much the whole park even if some shows were closed down.
There were only 2 haunted houses in the whole park... only two! I know that sounds pretty bad, but they were both really well done. Also, the park is so much smaller that it would have been hard to fit in as many as there are in Orlando.They had 5 or 6 scare zones total, however. Actually, almost everywhere, with the exception of directly in front of the rides and house entrances, was sort of a scare zone. Their post-apocalyptic NY area was really quite amazing. They also had a circus themed of area... the "carn-evil" in Hollywood, some creepy scientific creations around the Sci Fi zone and Mummys (...Mummies?) rampaging through Egypt.
All in all, it took very little time to get through the whole park. We did almost everything there in about an hour and a half. Of course, as I stated earlier, we also managed to pick the least crowded day to go which saved us hours of wait time! After our first time through, we stopped at the Dinner to try our some hotdogs and milkshakes. The hotdogs were okay, though not really American tasting, but the milkshakes were... weird. They must have used some keep type of mixture because they tasted more like Wendy's Frosties... but bad.
We left the park right before midnight (HHN lasts 8-12) and managed to catch one of the last MRTs home! Score!... then all I had left to do was sit up another hour waiting for my enrollment date to open on my school website so I could register for classes next Spring, but I won't get into that now... that could be a long story.
Anyway, so conclusion? HHN at USS was fun, but definitely not on par with Orlando's. I am rally glad I got to experience it though!
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