Saturday, October 8, 2011

Living it Up

Last night I spent some time at Clarke Quay at the clubs! Awesome time!!... let me start from a little earlier, though.

So I met  up with a few people around 7. The plan?... to go up in the Marina Bay Tower thing... the building that looks like a boat. (<----- THAT one on the left!) Unfortunately, the weather was kind of yucky yesterday, so we decided not to pay the $20 required to go up it.  Instead we headed out to a Hawker Center of course (yay cheap food!!!) then over to Clarke Quay. At first, we just sort of hung around and relaxed/people-watched (an unbelievably amusing activity in Singapore) on a bridge area, but after a while, and by then our number had increased to 7 total, we headed over to the bar/club area.

First stop: Yellow Jello. One of the guys in our group, a local, insisted on buying this drink...The Graveyard, it is called, for everyone. I declined, not being much into alcohol, and also not liking carbonation. This drink has 6 things combined together, but the primary drink is Guinness. Well... let me say that first of all, the drink was black when it arrived, and they had this straw in all the glasses that were black crosses. I tasted one... it tasted like licorice. Aka nastiness. glad I did not get my own! Now Yellow Jello had this band playing...they had the most amazing playlist ever... Michael Jackson, Coldplay, Van Halen, Ke$ha, the be honest, I don't really remember all the music we heard, but they had some good stuff, I promise you!
What next you ask? Well it was on to the Rupee Room for us!
Soooo much fun! It was $20 to get in, but that was the only downer!...and that did get you one free drink, so that was nice :) Anyway, bollywood-styled awesomeness ensued. You could hardly even tell when one song ended and the next started. One minute, they were blasting T-Pain, the next it somehow merged into a Indian pop-song or something. The people there were awesome. There weren't just Indians, or anything, but they would show us their awesome dance moves and we would all join in. So much fun, really!

So around 2, we all headed out to queue up for a taxi home (the MRTs stop running much earlier). I think it took me about 30 minutes when I got home, maybe less, to change, brush my teeth and fall into bed! This morning I woke up (and yes, it was still morning! Though not for long) and my entire family was gone :(  Haha, but that is okay, I know they went over to Sentosa, this magical island full of wonders, for an outrigger  race that my brother is doing to day.
In other news... today is the opening of the Orange MRT line!!! Holla!!!! You have no idea how awesome that is!!! Now I have to walk 2 minutes to get to an MRT instead of 10!!! Here, that is huge!

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