Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Banana Diet

So I here I am on Tuesday researching the Japanese and why they live so long (for a school paper), when I come across this "banana diet" that is apparently sweeping across Japan. My first though: Banana Diet? Yeah right.  clicked on the link. It's like a legit article and everything. My second thought: well, I like bananas.  :)

Okay, so here it is.... the Banana Diet, I mean.
Breakfast: Eat a banana. Actually, I think you can pretty much eat however many bananas you want. Also, drink some water at room temperature.
Lunch and Dinner: normal.
Get a normal amount of sleep (I think about 8 hours).

That is it!!!!! easy right? I have NO idea if it works, but I think I'm gonna try it!

I'm also adding some rules of my own.... just because I want to.
1.) No eating meals after 10pm!
2.) Bed by 2am!
3.) Only eat desserty foods after lunch and before super!!! Exceptions can be made for events and stuff, but on normal days it can't.

Allllll right Banana Diet..... here we go!.... Tomorrow morning, that is!  

1 comment:

  1. Hi again! I was reading through some of my old posts and thought I would inform you on my progress... or in this case, the lack thereof.

    I never did the Banana diet. These days, however, I do eat a Banana almost everyday after I exercise in the morning, along with drinking plenty of water and often also a glass of milk for protein. So I guess I kind of do follow the diet unintentionally, but I also eat some cereal if I'm still hungry :)
    Turns out that my exercise and more controlled eating habits (probably a result from not living on my own while at school right now) has led me to loose 20 pounds over the span of the last 3 months!
    Who knew? lol
