Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Celebrate the Little Things

Guess what readers... it is time to celebrate! Why? Two reasons:
1.) I have reached the 1000+ blog views mark! Holla!!!! Super excited about this one guys, and it is all thanks to youuuuuu (and you, and you, and you....). I am so excited, that I have decided to bake each and everyone of you a cake. Unfortunately for you, I will also be eating each and every one of your cakes due to complicated mailing issues...and because I like cake.
2.) My last post was number 33 of 2011! I had 33 posts the entire year for yay for doubling and surpassing my previous numbers!

Yes these accomplishments might be small... but hey, I don't have any other holidays or what-nots to celebrate, so why not party over  these?

On a side note, I am happy to inform you that the Grand Prix came to Singapore last weekend. Formula 1, as the race is known here. Singapore is well known for having a long, twisty night  track, so naturally the whole place has been teeming with excitement for months in anticipation. Roads were closed down in the downtown area all weekend for the cars.
The Grand Prix is like the world's version of Nascar, but the cars are smaller and more speedy looking. Though I have never followed Nascar, I am pretty sure I enjoyed Formula 1 better.
Shakira and Lincoln Park were also here last weekend performing on stages in the downtown area around the races... so sad I didn't get to see them :(

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